
Starting from v2, the parameter context is provided instead of req and res in handlers exported by default.

Note: The context function is only supported in export default.

Just export will no longer be updated and only export default will be updated intensively.

export default [(ctx) => {}];


  • context.status - res.status

  • context.headers - set headers

  • context.body - res.body

  • context.params - res.params

  • context.query - res.query

  • context.props - res.props - static props

  • context.send()

  • context.header()

  • context.html()

  • context.json()

  • context.text()

#Request and response

export default [
  (ctx) => {
    ctx.request; // request
    ctx.response; // response


export default [
-  (req, res) => {
+  (ctx) => {
-    res.end("Hello World!");
+    ctx.send("Hello World!");


Reference: /server/context.ts
Reference: /types/core.d.ts