Auto Mode

Auto Mode is a feature provided by Zely to automatically load and apply all middleware files in a specified directory. This feature is designed to save developers from the tedious task of manually adding each middleware to the configuration.

To enable Auto Mode, you need to set the allowAutoMiddlewares configuration value to true. This tells Zely to automatically load middleware from a specified directory.

export default defineConfig({
  allowAutoMiddlewares: true,
  middlewareDirectory: 'middlewares',
  // relative path to the middleware directory
  // ...

In this example, Zely will load all middleware from the middlewares directory at the root of your project.

One important thing to note is that when using Auto Mode, your middleware should be exported as the default export. This is because Zely will use the default export from each file in the middleware directory as a middleware function.

import { Middleware } from 'zely';
const Message: Middleware = (req, res, next) => {
  (req as any).message = 'Hello World!';
// export as default
export default Message;

While Auto Mode can save time and effort, it's important to be aware that it may also load unnecessary files if they are placed in the middleware directory. This could potentially cause performance issues. Therefore, it's recommended to only place middleware files in the middleware directory when using Auto Mode.

Note: @zely/builder doesn't support auto mode.